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Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Ferrari for my Baby

"Not Type-Approved for the USA" is what it says on the Ferrari Store web site. But if it's designed for Ferraris, and meant for Ferrari owners around the world, I'm confident that it is safe enough for my daily commute in my 328i.

If you ask: "How do you know this is meant for Ferrari owners around the world?" Just check out the price tag! €1,166.67 ≈ US$1,582.35!

Besides, I'm not too sure about this 'side-way' layout (instead of the more common 'child facing forward' type).

Just in case if there are any parents-to-be, who want to try this out but with uncertainties, I do not mind to offer my help for an in-depth product review, if such unit is delievered to my address.

Here's the link so that you can skip Googling it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Child Left in Stroller at Disney World

From Central Florida News' web site...

A mother and father are facing child neglect charges after deputies say they left their young child in the hot sun at Disney World.

According to the Osceola County Sheriff's Office, Juan and Dannette Rodriguez left the 3-year-old sitting in a stroller in the sun while they went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

The little girl was there for 45 minutes.

By the time anyone noticed, the girl was unresponsive due to heat exhaustion and had to be revived by paramedics.

The parents were arrested without incident.

The girl was placed with relatives.

Deputies and the Department of Children and Families continue their investigation.

Note to self:
  • Try not to take rides that have a wait time greater than 45 minutes
  • If wait time is greater than 45 minutes, use FastPass
  • Keep child away from sunlight while left alone

Monday, June 18, 2007

Baby's Fourth Photoshoot

Dr. Albert Chen

It's been another month, and we had our rounds of Doctors' Visit again today!

We first went to Dr. Albert Chen for our 10am appointment. Unfortunately, we were left waiting until 11am before we were called in for the consultation. It looks like Dr. Chen was really backed-up this morning! Although we saw the Doctor walking around (meaning he did show up to work today), there weren't that many people leaving the exam rooms while we were waiting.

Anyway, as soon as we met up with him, he told us that he had 2 emergency cases this morning, that got squeezed in to the top of the queue. (Apparently, those were both bleeding cases!) Which is why all the appointments got pushed back today.

So, the very first thing that Dr. Chen asked of us, was to provide him with an update. We told him that Amy felt some high-frequency-type vibration in the past few days. He looks shocked and asked Amy to further described what the vibration was like. After further demonstration, he looked puzzle, and began to open up 'our file' to check out the details.

"Oh! You're only in your 5th month! Then this is normal! By just looking at your tummy, I thought you are already in your 8th month."

It turns out that Amy had gained almost 10 pounds since her last visit. Immediately, Dr. Chen asked us some questions about our diet. (Sadly, he didn't believe that I eat so small in portion.) Dr. Chen wants Amy to control her diet and weight gain, and told us that he only wants to see Amy to gain another 4 pounds when we visit him next month. (While I should probably drop some weight from 4 pounds to any power of 4 pounds.)

He then took out a tape to measure Amy's tummy vertically. According to the measurement, her tummy size is equivalent to a tummy that is 22-weeks pregnant. (We're just approaching our 20th week.)

Finally, he used his Doppler to listen-in on the Baby's heartbeat. It was beating at 150 beats per minute. "Very healthy!" Dr Chen said.

The only instruction given to us, was to watch our/her diet. He wants us to cut-down on carbohydrates.

Dr. Kenneth Chan

By the time we arrived at Dr. Kenneth Chan's office, we were already 45 minutes late. The nurse told us that Dr. Chan has left the office and rescheduled us to return in 2 hours. Amy and I took this opportunity to go grab lunch and the 2 hours went by quickly... because there was good food around!

As mentioned in my previous post here, the 2nd trimester blood test came back with flying colors! We were told that the primary purpose of this visit is to check on the Baby's heart.

Once again, we informed Dr. Chan that we don't want to know the gender yet, should he happened to notice. After quite a bit of measurements on various locations like brain, skull, arms and legs, heart, etc., all results came back normal! Interestingly, all measurements came back in-sync with our pregnancy term - at approximately ~20weeks, +/- 5days. I asked Dr. Chan if the size of Amy's tummy is normal. He refused to answer because he considers such question is a form of WMD (look it up if you don't know what WMD means!) He sees it as the same question as 'Does my wife looks fat?'

Dr. Chan told us that everything looks perfect! He told us to enjoy the remaining term of our pregnancy, and there should be nothing else for us to worry about!

Yeah! (And we don't even have to visit Dr. Kenneth Chan again from now on!)

Finally, here are a few Ultrasound shots that were captured today. This first 2 shots below are a scan of the skull / face. (Click to enlarge)

These 2 shots below show the Baby's head and upper body. You can see very clearly from the very last shot that the baby is pointing his index finger upward. I guess he is already 'pointing his/her finger' at his/her parents, before he/she was even born! Fortunately, it's the wrong finger! (Click to enlarge.)
During the ultrasound scan, we can clearly see the baby turning his/her head, and swallowing.

Last but not least, for those who wants some inside-information on the gender of this baby, Dr. Albert Chen made a comment that, his guess, by looking at the size and shape of Amy's tummy, is that it will be a boy! This is totally unscientific. Dr. Chen has not performed an ultrasound on Amy since our first visit, which the gender of the baby was yet to be determined. And he is very well aware that we do not want to find out the gender until the baby is born.

Well, I think this is a long enough update for you all! Thanks for reading!

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Friday, June 15, 2007

The 19th week!

Today marks the beginning of the 19th week of our pregnancy. According to all the books, magazine, and blogs that we've read, this is what the Baby has been doing so far...

  • Fingernails, toenails, and his/her own set of fingerprints are all done!
  • He/she may already be sucking his/her thumb. But suck it all he/she wants while he/she is still in her Mommy's tummy. Because once I've cut the umbilical cord, there will be no thumb sucking allowed!
  • The Baby has grown to about nine inches long
  • The Baby's skin is now red and wrinkled
  • And the Baby's weight is just under one pound
Coming Monday, 6/18, we have another round of our monthly doctors' visit. Maybe we'll have some more ultrasound scan to share. So remember to check back often!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Best T-Shirt Contest

Nominee #1: Gerber Baby

Nominee #2: Playground Pimp

Nominee #3: Pro-Choice

Nominee #4: Shake Me!

Nominee #5: Tore Mommy a New One

Nominee #6: Are You My Dad?

Nominee #7: Bigger Than Yours!

Nominee #8: Blowjob

Nominee #9: Daddy Drinks Beer

Nominee #10: Dad's Lil' Squirt
Now cast your vote!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I can finally afford a Porsche... not!

A Porsche Stroller - US$690
A Porsche Bassinet - US$190
An opportunity to be a Porsche owner - Priceless

For US$880, I get the opportunity for owning a 3-wheel Porsche. Technically speaking, it's a Porsche Cabriolet! And it only comes in Grey color. No leather interior, no anti-lock brakes, and no airbags. The softtop needs to be manually opened and closed. Oh, and there's no air-conditioning either.

But this opportunity does not just limited to me! For you readers, you can also get the chance to give a Porsche as a gift (to me!) Opportunity like this (to tell your friends that you just bought a Porsche and gave it away) does not come around often. Grab it before someone does!