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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Doctor's Visit - 33rd Week

We just spent the weekend enjoying our Babymoon. I will post some photos as soon as I get them organized. Meanwhile, it's time for another Bi-weekly doctor visit!

  • Even though we ate so much over the weekend, Amy registered zero weight gain over the past 2 weeks! But Dr. Chen's comment was that Amy has already gained 20 pounds since the pregnancy, and it's okay if there was no weight gain over the past two weeks
  • Dr. Chen pressed against Amy tummy to confirm that Little Piggy's head is now completely facing downward... basically the baby is ready and waiting!!
  • Dr. Chen also used the Doppler to measure Piggy's heartbeat and it registered 146 beats per minute.
  • Other than these routine procedures, Dr. Chen reminded Amy with a few basic signs of 'go straight to the hospital' scenario
  • Our next visit is in another 2 weeks. The schedule will be changed to weekly-visit from that point on
  • It's getting closer and closer!
PS. Once again, pictures from our Babymoon are coming soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

So where exactly are we going for our Babymoon?

For those who lives around Los Angles and/or Orange County, here are some photos that will reveal the secret location of our Babymoon! This is photo-journey through the eyes of Amy, as she photos her journey to her(our) first Babymoon location. As mentioned, she had no idea where we were going! Click through the photos to find out!

Weekend Getaway - Babymoon

I’m typing this post as I’m flying back to Los Angles from a business trip in Orlando. Yes, Orlando as in the Walt Disney World! It has been a very busy 10 days because we just celebrated by Brother’s wedding this past Saturday, and I immediately flew out to Orlando on Monday, while many visiting relatives were still in-town. Most importantly, I’m leaving behind Amy and the Golden Little Piggy, which I have been told that he/she has been kicking harder and stronger by day!

Tomorrow, I have planned a surprised weekend getaway with Amy. A surprised because she has no idea where I’m taking her, but all she knows is that we are going to our first, or probably final, Babymoon!

We have learned that newly weds have honeymoon, and parents-to-be should plan for a Babymoon before the baby arrives. Basically, this Babymoon is going to be our last opportunity to go on a trip, without the worries (or hassle) of our kid(s). For those who know us, Amy and I love to travel. But with the arrival of our baby, I’m sure that the opportunities for traveling will be significantly lessen, and the type of traveling will never be the same.

To those who wonder what is the destination of this Babymoon trip, just check back at this site during the weekend. I do plan on a post or few during the stay. The truth is, Amy can’t fly because she is in her third trimester. And a drive even to Las Vegas is considered too long for a pregnant woman at this stage. Therefore, it is simply somewhere local for a weekend stay. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doctor's Visit - 31st Week

Yesterday, we had our, now, bi-weekly doctor's visit. It was the first time that we walk into the doctor's office with no one sitting in the waiting room! We got called-in almost immediately. We went through the usual urine test, weight, and blood pressure measurement. Everything was normal!

When we met up with Dr. Chen, we told him that Amy has been having abdominal pain in her lower right tummy. Then, Dr. Chen held Amy's hand and press really hard into the tummy, and that was Amy's first time feeling the baby's head! Dr. Chen explained that it was the baby's head that is pressing against some nerves, which is why Amy is feeling the pain.

We also told Dr. Chen that Amy had cramps on her left leg the night before, and Dr. Chen recommended us to pick up some over-the-counter calcium supplement.

Dr. Chen also used the Doppler to measure the Baby's heartbeat. This time it was 143 beats per minute!

Also, due to the excitement of the ultra sound images from our last visit, we have totally forgotten to find out Amy's Glucose Tolerance test result. Yesterday, we finally had the chance to find out how did Amy do on the test. Dr. Chen said everything came back normal, and told Amy that she is now authorized to eat more sweets and ice-cream! Yeah!

Last but not least, Dr. Chen told Amy that she needs to take more rest, and went ahead to give her a bed-rest order for Amy to bring it back to work.

The Due-date is getting closer and closer. We now have less than 2 months to go! But before the Due Date, we also have a very important event coming up. This weekend is my brother's (soon-to-be Uncle Chris) wedding ceremony! It's going to be a big party with relatives from all over the world visiting. It's going to be a fun and busy weekend!