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Monday, April 23, 2007

The result is in!

As we were driving back home, my cell phone rang, and it was Dr. Kenneth Chan calling.

Dr. Chan told me that the test result has arrived. He explained to me that the blood test is divided into 2 sections. The first section is screening for Down Syndrome, while the second section is screening for Trisomy 18.

Before the test was taken, it was measured that our Baby's risk of having Down Syndrome was 1 in 230. The blood test result shows that the Baby's risk of having Down Syndrome is now 1 in 86.

Before the test was taken, the Baby's risk of having Trisomy 18 was 1 in a 6500. The blood test result shows that the risk of Trisomy 18 is now 1 in 10,000+.

So, the good news is that we don't have to worry about Trisomy 18. (Trisomy 18 is caused by an extra chromosome #18. This extra chromosome causes severe mental and physical problems.)

The bad news is that the risk of the baby having Down Syndrome has now been increased to 1 in 86. That's 1.1628%.

Dr. Kenneth Chan told me that there are 2.5 options available for us to consider.

1) Do nothing. (and wait for #2 below.)
2) Do nothing until a month later for the 2nd blood test, which is part of this entire test package.
3) Perform a CVS or Amniocentesis

CVS - Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) is a procedure that takes a small amount of the tissue from the developing placenta for chromosome analysis. CVS is associated with a small risk of miscarriage.

Amniocentesis - is a procedure that takes a small amount of the fluid that surrounds the baby. The fluid is sent to a laboratory to test for chromosome abnormalities and open neural tube defects. It is usually done around the 16th week of pregnancy. It is associated with a small risk of miscarriage, however, the risk is lower than that for CVS.
I told the Dr. Chan that I will discuss this matter with my wife. Meanwhile, Dr. Chan has scheduled us to return for the 2nd blood test in a month.

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