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Monday, August 13, 2007

Doctor's Visit - 27th Week

Today, we went to our Monthly Doctor's visit, and here are the highlights:

  • Amy didn't do too well with her Glucose Tolerance blood test last month, and she has to re-do the 3-hour version today (as opposed to the 1-hour version).
  • Knowing how much Amy likes sweets (that's why she likes me so much!), I asked Dr. Chen what happens if she fails this 2nd test? Dr. Chen said he will refer Amy to a specialist, to put her on a special diet, and medication. Nothing to worry about... at least for now, according to Dr. Chen.
  • We did the Doppler again, and this time the Baby's heartbeat was 156!
  • Dr. Chen also changed our visitation from once a month to twice a month!
  • Surprisingly, Amy's weight gain is also under control! An increase of 4-lbs since last visit. Exactly 4-lbs per month, which is right on schedule!
  • We still didn't get an ultra-sound during this visit. That's why we don't have any picture to show our readers. (Besides, we are already late for the blood test!)
Other than these, the baby has been kicking a lot! We learned from the Prepared Child Birth class that Amy needs to do more exercise to get the baby to face towards the spine, as opposed to the tummy, to ease the pain during birth. We started swimming in these past few weeks, hoping that we can train the next Matt Biondi (Janet Evans, if it's a girl!) for the olympics. At first, I wanted Amy to swim so that she will get some weight off her tummy. But the nurse in that Child Birth class told us that swimming is actually an excellent choice of exercise for pregnant women. (Provided that Mom can swim!)

As of this posting, there are only 80 days left in this pregnancy! It's getting close!

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