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Friday, November 2, 2007

Due Date + 1

We have officially past the Due Date! Not a big deal, of course. After all, most books and articles that I've read all claim that statistics have shown the first baby is usually a bit late. However, did I mention to our Readers that my personal preferred birth date is November 3? The reason is because Amy's birth date is January 13. So 113 and 113... got it!? Although Blackburn is hosting Liverpool tomorrow morning, I certainly don't mind missing the game should the Piggy decides to check-in to the real world tomorrow.

So what can I do to get the Piggy out? All I could think of is what the Doctor prescribed... Walking! Yeah, we did some walking yesterday already, but we still have to do some more! After all, Gloria told me that after she did a mile-long walk when she was pregnant, her water broke that night! So where else can we go for more walking? We have already nailed all the big malls in L.A. I suggested Fry's but it was quickly shot down. We have always like beaches, so let's go to the beach! Specifically, Redondo Beach!

Since the suitcase and my camera bag are still in the trunk of my car, I took some pictures of our outing today. (Click below to begin Slideshow.)

We also took some videos!

This one below was taken as we walked along the boardwalk. It's a sail boat with halloween decorations still on it.

Then, after we had our afternoon snack, I took this video while waiting for Amy when she was in the ladies room. You know, it's not that easy to work for the Discovery Channel shooting animals!

Then, I took this video to show our Readers how much walking we did today! And this is not even half way!

This one below was taken at the half way point. We then turned around and walked back from here.

All in all, we did quite a bit of walking today. I did some measurement from Google Earth, and it looks like we had at least more than 1 mile of walking today!

Frustratingly, as I'm typing this post, at 9:50pm, there is not even one contraction!

P.S. That Count-down thing on the side-bar does not even work once the Due Date is past! What a stupid design! Don't be surprised if I take it down!

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