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Monday, May 21, 2007

Baby's Third Photoshoot!

We had our round of Doctors' Visit today!

We first visited Dr. Albert Chen and here's the summary:

  • The Baby's heartbeat is very strong! (Dr. Chen applied the Doppler again.)
  • The Baby seems to be moving quite a bit because the Doppler couldn't catch the heartbeat from a single position.
  • All the blood tests, and urine tests, came back as normal.
  • Weight gain is progressing normally.
We then visited Dr. Kenneth Chan and here's the summary:
  • The Baby does not have any birth defects.
  • All the arms and legs are there.
  • All the internal organs are there.
  • The size of the brains, skulls, and arms are normal. But the legs are a tick short, but nothing to be concern of.
  • Per our request, the Doctor told us to look aside when he was scanning the genital area... just in case "something pops up!"
  • The Doctor also drew blood for the 2nd Trimester Down Syndrome test. We'll find out the results in about 1 week. (The doctor said if the result is good, he won't even bother calling me.)
  • The Doctor also scheduled us to return for another scan in a month's time. He wants to take a look at the Ultrasound of the heart. Right now the heart is too small that he can't really tell if it is in good condition.
Last but not least, below is an image of the Ultrasound. (Click on the image to enlarge.) You can tell by looking at the image that the 1st shot is at the skull level where the skull, the eye sockets, and the jaw bone is clearly visible. The THIRD shot is almost at the skin level, where you can see the profile of the face, the nose, the mouth, and the chin. And the 2nd shot is somewhere in between.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You are a great dad! Got everything up so professionally. I could only dream about doing all this when our babies were born, and I was not all that tech-savvy.

Wonderful to hear Piggy is doing great and growing well. We've been through it too, and what a feeling to see the baby in the womb w/ ultrasound.