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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Visitors Update!

I started this Blog on March 1, but I didn't make the announcement, via this Blog, until May. During the month of May, this Blog received 213 visits from around world. The geographical breakdown of our visitors are as follow:

There were 21 cities among these 213 visits. The significant ones are listed below...

But what prompted me to publish these stats is because of the LACK of responses in our Guest List and Voting Department.

Among these 200+ visits, only 13 made an entry to the Guest List, and 18 casted the Boy vs. Girl vote. Where is everybody? Come on! This is my first Father-Child project, and the responses that I have received so far does not proportionally represent the intelligence of the Dad!

On a different note, there are about 10 Readers who have signed up to receive an email notification whenever there is a new post added to this Blog. However, my report shows that a few of those who have signed up, did NOT confirm the subscription. Remember, once you have entered your email, and pressed Subscribe, you will immediately receive an email in your inbox. From such email, you must click on the link provided in the email to confirm your subscription. Without confirming the subscription, you will not receive email updates. (For those who have subscribe, but did not follow-up with the email confirmation, you may re-enter your email address and Subscribe again. I will clear any duplicated email addresses from the back-end.)

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To cast your vote, please direct your attention to the side-bar on the right.