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Monday, October 1, 2007

Hospital Visit #1

We were at my Mom's house in Riverside on Saturday night. Just when we were getting ready to leave, Amy decided to use the bathroom before the long drive home. When she came out of the bathroom, she told me (us) that she was bleeding! My immediate screen for symptoms were: No Pain, No Contraction, just Bleeding.

We left the house immediately and drove straight to the hospital, with my brother and his newly wedded registered-nurse/wife followed behind.

We checked into the hospital, the labor and delivery department of course, and we were immediately assigned into a room. Amy changed into a hospital gown, and two monitors were immediately attached to her tummy to monitor the baby's heartbeat. (For the record, it was averaging 145.) An urine test was conducted, followed by a physical examination by the nurse. (The real nurse with an attitude. Not my new Sister-in-law.)

We waited a while and the Doctor on-duty told the nurse (with an attitude) to told us that everything is fine...
- The blood was not fresh. It was in brownish color. It means that the bleeding was not continuous. A positive sign.
- The physical examination yielded no sign of labor.
- The urine test showed no sign of abnormality.
- There has been no record (or signs) of complication throughout this pregnancy term so far.

The diagnosis: Amy's body was preparing for the child birth. Some changes and movement in her body had caused the temporary bleeding.

Sounds good to me! But in addition to this positive (or shouldn't it be 'negative' in medical terms) diagnosis, I have learned something more valuable:
1) I showed my wife that I know exactly how to get to the hospital, even when it's dark outside!
2) I showed my wife that I know exactly where to go once we have arrived at the hospital
3) I showed my wife that I can be calm
4) My wife showed me that she thinks I'm too calm when her body is bleeding!
5) We both learned that we are absolutely unprepared for this Little Piggy's arrival! Why?

  • The crib is still sitting at Amy's parents' home
  • The same for the Stroller
  • The car seat is not installed
  • How about only 1 piece of baby clothing in our house so far
Basically, we have absolutely nothing! Had the baby arrived last night, the hospital would probably called the Social Worker and take our Little Piggy into Foster Care!

Our plan was to do some shopping this Sunday (today.) Even before this 'bloody' incident, this was the plan. A few readers of this blog can even vow for me because I did mentioned to them over the phone. Well, guess what we have been doing all day today? :-)

Anyway, our next scheduled doctor's visit is not until a week from today. I will try to contact the doctor's office first thing tomorrow morning to see if Dr. Chen can squeeze us into a check-up tomorrow.


On a different note, we have received numerous 'expert' diagnosis, offered by our immediate friends and family, before, during, and after last night's incident. Here's a recap of what these 'doctors' had to say...

Mrs. X from HKG (name is withheld for security reasons): "Bleeding means labor is to begin!"

My cousin (name is also withheld, but I only have 1 cousin who has given birth before... well, as far as I know!): "Ha Ha Ha! You're going to be a Dad reeeaaaallll soon! She's going to start contraction tomorrow (today), because this is exactly what happened to me."

Mrs. Wong (name is NOT withheld because Mrs. Wong has no clue that this blog exists): "Bleeding means/is-a-sign-of miscarriage! Stay in bed! Don't move! Sleep! Bleeding means/is-a-sign-of miscarriage! Stay in bed! Don't move! Sleep! Bleeding means/is-a-sign-of miscarriage! Stay in bed! Don't move! Sleep! Bleeding means/is-a-sign-of miscarriage! Stay in bed! Don't move! Sleep!"

It has been more than 24 hours since the incident. As mentioned, we did some shopping today. We went out for dinner tonight. There has been no abdominal pain, and no sign of contraction what so ever. More importantly, I'm glad to report that the bleeding never re-occurred. In fact, it pretty much stopped by the time we arrived at the hospital last night. Like I said, I will try to get some face time with the Doctor tomorrow. I will update this blog with the latest.

Now, it's time for me to get some bed-rest!

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