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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hospital Visit #2 !!

It was exactly 2 weeks ago that we visited the hospital the first time because of some bleeding. And last night, when we arrived home from my Mom's house, Amy realized that she was bleeding again. Although not as strong/heavy as 2 weeks ago, we learned to analyze the blood to determine that it was 'fresh' because of the bright red color. It was already 12:30 at night, we were all mentally prepared to sleep. As much as we don't want to get changed and go to the hospital, we had to. Even though we both think that it will be just like last time... which is getting released from hospital in an hour, we still have to go because this is what the Doctor ordered. Since I want to make good use of this hour in the hospital, I decided to grab my camcorder on my way out! (More on that later!)

Same route, same routine... except that we took our time, drove slowly, and picked out the best parking spot! We were checked in to the hospital, to Room 10, get changed, and settled down. The same tests were performed on Amy, and the same instruments were hooked-up onto her. But right when we were anticipating the nurse (by the way, this nurse is much nicer than the last one!) to tell us that "we can go home now, Amy's body is just preparing for the baby's arrival." We were told a different message this time:

"I've checked with the Doctor on-duty, and we decided to keep you here for 2 to 3 hours to make sure that you are not in labor."
Crap! I want to go home! I'm sleepy and tired! And while I was thinking just that, the nurse looked to me and asked:
"That chair that you are sitting on does open up to be a bed. Would you like me to get you some pillows and blankets?"
"Yes, please!" I said. But in my mind, I wanted to say "could you also bring me a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies too? And make sure the cookies are the chewy kind!"

Anyway, this is the chair that I was sitting last night. I know I looked like I was the one who needed medical attention, but believe me, I did this pose on purpose just to entertain my wife! I didn't take a picture/video of how the chair turns into a bed. As you can imagine, that 'bed' wasn't that comfortable at all, if it can somehow fitted inside this chair!

So we dimmed the light, closed the door, and fell asleep (almost immediately) while listening to Little Piggy's heartbeat.

At approximately 3:30am, the nurse came into our room and woke us up. She did another round of examination on Amy, and here's the diagnosis:
  • The cervix hasn't opened yet
  • The monitor recorded some contractions, although minor
  • The bleeding is probably caused by the thinning of the cervix
  • Since the cervix hasn't opened yet, and your bleeding has stopped, we are going to release you from the hospital
I helped Amy to get dressed and we left the hospital at 4:00am.

Our next doctor's appointment is booked on coming Monday morning anyway. So we can check with Dr. Chen to get a deeper understanding of the situation. As of right now, the bleeding has stopped, and Amy is not feeling any obvious sign of contractions.

With this note, I think it's time for me to impose a deadline on the 'Guess the Due-Date' contest. Please click here for more updated information.

Before I conclude this post, I would like share with you a short video that I took while we were in the hospital this time. You can see what the delivery room looks like, and most importantly, you get to hear Little Piggy's heartbeat up-close-and-personal! Enjoy!

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